
I’m Getting an Insulin Pump – Medtronic Revel Insulin Pump and CGM

To pump or not to pump?  That has been the question for the past week.  It wasn’t until yesterday during my appointment with my doctor and a rep for Medtronic named Carlo that I finally made my...
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I Didn’t Think it Would Be That Bad – My Husband and Hypoglycemia

The effects of this experience are still rearing their ugly head today, prompting my husband to ask me, “didn’t you think it would be that bad?”  Good question… I was aware that soon after my...
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Continuous Glucose Monitor Removal Video – Transmitter and Sensor

Today, after five days of wearing Medtronic’s iPro Continuous Glucose Monitor, it was time to take it off.  The iPro CGM is used by healthcare professionals to gain an in-depth snapshot of a...
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Insurance Approved Me for Continuous Glucose Monitor and Insulin Pump

Shortly before noon I received a call from Allison, an inside rep for Medtronic.  She phoned to go over the pricing of both the MiniMed Paradigm REAL-Time Revel Insulin Pump and the Guardian REAL-Time...
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Continuous Glucose Monitor + Insulin Pump, or Just a CGM?

Yesterday afternoon I received a phone call from Carlo, a rep for Medtronic, makers of the Guardian REAL-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring System and the MiniMed Paradigm REAL-Time Revel System that...
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Getting a Continuous Glucose Monitor Approved by Insurance Company

Today is Tuesday February 1, 2011, three days after Saturday morning’s severe hypoglycemic episode.  Yesterday, my wife and I visited my endocrinologist in an effort to make adjustments to my insulin...
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Severe Hypoglycemia – Seizures, Hallucinations and a Trip to the ER

Yesterday morning I woke up to two paramedics and a police officer standing over me in my bedroom.  I was on the bed and my wife was hurriedly handing them juice boxes and cracker packs.  “Can you...
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From the Editor

This web site was created for everyone who is fed up with the term “Diabetes” being generalized to include only type 2 diabetics. It is for everyone who is tired of watching the likes of Wilford Brimley, Patti Labelle and B.B. King only bring attention to one side of the diabetes equation. This blog is for everyone who realizes that type 1 and type 2 diabetes are two different diseases. It is for those of us who aren’t afraid to speak the truth, that an estimated 1 in 12 Americans have diabetes. Approximately 95% have type 2 diabetes, most often brought on by obesity.

Ours is NOT a disease that is running rampant because of a lack of responsibility with our health. This site is for the 5% of us whose lives have been affected for no known reason at all. This site is for the 5% whose voices get smothered under the weight of the other 95. This site is for Type 1 Diabetics.

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