
Revel Continuous Glucose Monitor Alert Volume – Can it be Adjusted?

A few days ago I received my first “Low Predicted” alert from my new Medtronic Revel Paradigm 523 Insulin Pump and Continuous Glucose Monitor.  My wife and I had been eagerly awaiting this moment so that we could hear what the Medtronic rep had described as a “siren”.  After 10 minutes of not-so-loud alerts had passed, the device was supposed to begin alarming.  Instead of canceling the... read more

Decided to Buy Ketone Testing Strips Today and I Used One Already

When we hear someone talking about peeing on a strip and watching it change color, the first thing that comes to most people’s minds is a home pregnancy test.  That is of course, unless the person is a diabetic and they’re talking about ketone test strips.  During our once a month trip to Costco today, when I stopped by the pharmacy for sugar tabs and lancets, my wife reminded me that I should... read more

Continuous Glucose Monitor Training Class & My First 3 Days with a CGM

I had originally planned on writing about Friday’s one-on-one continuous glucose monitor training class, but since 3 days have passed since the class, I’m going to also focus on the slightly unsteady relationship that I’ve had thus far with the CGM component of my MiniMed Paradigm Revel Insulin Pump and Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (it’s a mouthful, I know). To sum up Friday... read more

A Carb Counting Book that We Find Helpful

In 2008, when Kevin and I began dating, I decided to start looking for things that may help him tackle the daily tasks of having diabetes.  One of the first things that I set out to look for was a good carb counting book for diabetics.  After reading reviews online, I decided to pick up the 2008 Version of The Calorie King Calorie, Fat & Carbohydrate Counter book by Allan Borushek, because it... read more

Sleeping with an Insulin Pump – Our First Night Together

Falling asleep has always been a bit of an exact science for me.  For example, if my pillow isn’t on the softer side or my sheets are tucked in wrong near my feet, it’s likely going to keep me awake.  I also notice if the air in the house is even 1 degree too cold or too hot.  And if the thermostat is several degrees too low, my ears will start to ache slightly, which will surely keep me awake. ... read more

Medtronic Insulin Pump Class – I’m Now Officially an Insulin Pump User

Meeting at Panera Bread for an Insulin pump class is a little like a heart patient having cardiac rehab at a Dunkin’ Donuts.  Only in my case, the decadent treats behind the counter might actually save me.  My wife Trisha and I entered the local Panera at around 8:45 AM for a 9 AM one-on-one class with Ellen, the local Medtronic insulin pump instructor.  She had already reserved the private meeting... read more

Medtronic Instructor Cancels Insulin Pump Class at Last Minute

Just before noon at 11:57am, I received a call from Ellen, Medtronic’s local insulin pump instructor, who informed me that she was going to have to cancel today’s class scheduled for 1pm.  She said that her two-year-old had come down with a fever.  To be honest, I wasn’t that shocked that she canceled, and I don’t necessarily mean that in a bad way. It’s just that the Medtronic rep... read more

Insulin Pump Nightmare – Just a Dream or Scared to Use the Pump?

In a few hours, I’ll be leaving to meet with Ellen, my insulin pump instructor.  Today is the day of my one-on-one class.  It’s strange to think that I’ll be going to bed tonight wearing an insulin pump.  It’s apparently so strange in fact that I had a rather off-the-wall dream last night. I dreamt that my grandma, who used to wear a hearing aid, became trapped inside of it.  However, in my... read more
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